Evolutive mechanism for E-Learning platforms: A new approach for old methods
Since the beginning of men, knowledge distinguishes us as a species and has become the key to our own evolution. Humans have a complex psycho-pedagogic model, the result of millions of years of evolution. This model compromises very often the educational structures, because each of us-despite we can be inserted in specific groups, have a personal learning curve. Like nature, that develops special strategies for the evolution of the species, it is possible to find the correct individual learning path, using one of the oldest Mother Nature mechanisms-evolutive genetic. Using tools like JAVA, XML (eXtensible Markup Language), an open source LMS (Learning Management System), i.e. Moodle, a standard as SCORM (Sharable Content Reference Model), all controlled by a GA (Genetic Algorithm), it is possible to achieve a flexible platform to help all the educational process actors. The goal is to create a self universal monitoring and learning system, which follows the progression of individual learning-by using a mathematical function applied to a genetic algorithm, maximizing the results and achieve the subject “learning curve”.