Analysis of Frequency Response Characteristic Considering Semiconducting Screen in Underground Distribution Cables

This paper describes frequency response and propagation characteristics considering semiconducting screen in distribution cables. In CIGRE WG 21-05, Simplified Approach(SA) and Rigorous Approach(RA) which can revise the permittivity considering semiconducting screen propose for more detailed EMTP model and frequency dependant analysis. In this paper, the frequency dependent characteristics of complex permittivity are variously analysed by cole-cole function of RA. The attenuation, propagation velocity and surge impedance according to frequency range(1 kHz to 500 MHz) and cable length are also analysed by SA and EMTP simulation in distribution cables. The propagation velocity considering semiconducting screen is slower, and it is saturated over the range of 1 MHz. The signal is significantly attenuated as frequency range is high.