Corneal Lamellar Dissection by Using Suture Threads in Porcine Eyes

Purpose: Lamellar dissection is one of the most delicate maneuvers in corneal surgery. We describe a new method that uses Ferrara ring instrumentation. Methods: A 360° tunnel is created at half of the stromal depth in porcine corneas. A suture (nylon 6-0 or Vicryl 6-0) was passed through the tunnel by using the Ferrara spatula. By means of alternate traction on the end of the suture thread, complete lamellar dissection was achieved. Results: Light microscopy examination of the cornea confirmed that the dissection had a constant thickness and dissection depth. Scanning electron microscopy showed a homogeneous stromal surface without irregularities. Conclusions: This technique permits a homogeneous and safe lamellar dissection, which may prove useful in specific surgical procedures of the cornea.