Scoping System Analysis of KALIMER-600 Design Concept

The Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) is developing KALIMER (Korea Advanced LIquid Metal Reactor), which is a sodium-cooled, metallic-fueled, pool-type reactor. The KALIMER-600 design concept (600 MWt) was selected as one of the reference GEN-IV sodium-cooled fast reactors (SFRs). The safety design philosophy of KALIMER-600 places maximum reliance on passive responses to abnormal and emergency conditions, and minimizes the need for active and engineered safety systems. KALIMER-600 utilizes the intrinsic negative reactivity feedback effect under design extended conditions where reactor scram failures are postulated. In order to assess the effectiveness of the inherent safety features, a scoping system analysis during unprotected overpower, loss of flow and under cooling events has been performed using the system-wide transient analysis code SSC-K. The present scoping analysis focuses on identification of enhanced safety design features that provide passive and self-regulating response to transient conditions and evaluation of safety margins. The results of the scoping analysis indicate an understanding of various inherent reactivity feedback mechanisms is very important in establishing design features. The analysis results show that the KALIMER-600 design concepts provide larger safety margins with respect to sodium boiling, fuel rod integrity, and structural integrity. The inherent safety can be enhanced by accounting for reactivity feedback mechanisms in the design process.Copyright © 2006 by ASME