Force analysis of the rowing stroke employing two differing oar grips.

The velocity of the rowing boat appears to depend on the force which the athlete applies at the handle of the oar. Although force is generated by legs, upper body, and arms, the latter are the only limbs which actually transmit and apply the force against the oar. The force output of the arms seem to be a function of the forearm position used by the athlete while gripping the oar. The traditional gripping technique is with the forearms in pronation. This technique was never challenged or scientifically researched to see whatever a modified one might lead to better efficiency. Consequently, the purpose of this investigation was to analyze whether athletes' force output differed if the gripping technique was changed from pronation to a semiprone grip (one arm prone, the other semiprone). Under the specific conditions of this investigation it was demonstrated that the semiprone position was generating greater force output, thus being superior to the classical prone grip.