Nobeyama CO Galactic Plane Survey: New Chapter of the Nobeyama 45-m Telescope

Nobeyama CO Galactic Plane Survey (FOREST Ultra-wide Galactic plane survey In Nobeyama: FUGIN) project is one of the legacy projects of Nobeyama Radio Observatory using the 45-m Telescope and the new four-beam 100 GHz-Band receiver FOREST. This project aims to investigate the fundamental nature of molecular gas in the Galaxy and star formation in them. We, therefore, are carrying out the survey observation along the Galactic plane by the J = 1–0 transitions of 12 CO, 13 CO, and C18 O simultaneously at the highest angular resolution (∼18′′) to date. This survey is providing invaluable data set for investigating the physical process and the evolution of ISM from large galactic scale to small filament/clump/core scales.