The Psychology of Work : Theoretically Based Empirical Research

Contents: A.P. Brief, J.P. Walsh, Foreword. J.M. Brett, F. Drasgow, Introduction. Part I:The Hulin Legacy. C.L. Hulin, Lessons From Industrial and Organizational Psychology. T.A. Judge, Back to the Same Place, for the First Time? The Hulin Family Tree. Part II:Research on the Psychology of Work. Section 1:Conceptualization of Psychological Constructs. T.A. Judge, J.E. Bono, A. Erez, E.A. Locke, C.J. Thoresen, The Scientific Merit of Valid Measures of General Concepts: Personality Research and Core Self-Evaluations. H.M. Weiss, D.R. Ilgen, The Ubiquity of Evaluation: A Hulinesque Essay. H.C. Triandis, Motivation to Work in Cross-Cultural Perspective. Section 2:Antecedents and Outcomes of Satisfaction. W.L. Richman-Hirsch, T.M. Glomb, Are Men Affected by the Sexual Harassment of Women? Effects of Ambient Sexual Harassment on Men. T.M. Probst, The Impact of Job Insecurity on Employee Work Attitudes, Job Adaptation, and Organizational Withdrawal Behaviors. P. Hom, The Legacy of Charles Hulin's Work on Turnover Thinking and Research. C.J. Sablynski, T.W. Lee, T.R. Mitchell, J.P. Burton, B.C. Holtom, Turnover: An Integration of Lee and Mitchell's Unfolding Model and Job Embeddedness Construct With Hulin's Withdrawal Construct. H.E. Miller, J.G. Rosse, Emotional Reserve and Adaptation to Job Dissatisfaction. Section C:Modeling Organizational Behavior. T.M. Glomb, A.G. Miner, Exploring Patterns of Aggressive Behaviors in Organizations: Assessing Model-Data Fit. R.A. Levin, M.J. Zickar, Investigating Self-Presentation, Lies, and Bullshit: Understanding Faking and Its Effects on Selection Decisions Using Theory, Field Research, and Simulation. S.T. Seitz, A.G. Miner, Models of Organizational Withdrawal: Information and Complexity.