Exploring the intention to use mobile learning: the moderating role of personal innovativeness

Purpose – The main purpose of this study was to combine the extended technology acceptance model (TAM) with the innovation diffusion theory (IDT) to examine how learners' beliefs affected their usage intention of mobile learning (m-learning) and explore whether the relationships between learners' beliefs and their usage intention of m-learning changed under different levels of personal innovativeness regarding the new information technology (IT). Design/methodology/approach – Sample data for this study were collected from Taiwanese mobile phone users, a total of 750 questionnaires were distributed, and 486 usable questionnaires were analyzed in this study, with a usable response rate of 64.80 per cent. Collected data were analyzed using structural equation modeling, multiple group analysis, and hierarchical moderated regression analysis. Findings – Perceived usefulness (PU), perceived ease of use (PEOU), perceived enjoyment (PE), and compatibility can play essential roles in affecting learners' intention ...

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