단순형상 고속열차에서 공기저항 감소를 위한 blowing/Suction 유동제어에 대한 수치 해석적 연구

The speed of train is increasing for competition with the aircraft at a long distance travel. As increasing the speed, aerodynamic drag becomes an important concern because it consists of above 80 % of total resistance to motion, due to the increase with the proportion to the square of train speed. Therefore, to increase the speed of train with the same energy consumption, the efforts of the reduction of aerodynamic drag should be made, This paper presents the characteristics of aerodynamic drag generated in train with simplified shape, which has a body removed bogies, pantographs and connection parts. etc. The magnitude of pressure drag and skin friction drag, and the possibility of the drag reduction by the flow control using blowing and suction will be discussed