Advanced Traveler Information System (ATIS) Implementation andIntegration: Final Report

The ATIS project was a $1.3 million effort sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration and the New York State Department of Transportation. The project began in March, 2003 and completed in May, 2007. The goal of the project was to create a real-time, probe-based traveler information system, including traffic-responsive path choice. In order to accomplish the goals, vehicles were equipped with GPS and wireless data connections and became traffic probes. Observations were collected from the probes as they traveled through the network, and these data were processed into traffic conditions on the network. This processing was done in “real time”, in time to provide information to the vehicles support decision making regarding path choices to avoid congestion. Two hundred probe vehicles were deployed in the Spring of 2005. The project was the first live demonstration of this concept, having moved the idea from the lab and simulation to the real world. The project received two awards from the Intelligent Transportation Society of New York and is a finalist for the 2007 Best of ITS award from the Intelligent Transportation Society of America.