Theoretical calculation of mid-infrared spectra from hypersonic non-ablative sphere

Hypersonic body moving in the atmosphere will suffer high temperature reacting flows which will emit complex radiation. Theoretical calculation was taken in this paper for a hypersonic non-ablative sphere. Hypersonic flow around the sphere was simulated using 9 species chemical kinetic and two temperature thermal non-equilibrium model. Based on this simulated flow field, the LOS method is used to solve radiative transfer and line-by-line model is used to calculate the spectrum from molecular and atoms in mid-infrared. The spectra from different components have been analyzed one by one. The calculation founds out that atom N and O diatomic molecule NO and bremsstrahlung will be important radiation source in this pure air hypersonic flow field. The radiation from hypersonic flow field has been analyzed in both high pressure environment and low pressure environment.