Data Base Documentation Standards for Extant Datasets

Abstract : Since 1975, the U.S. Army Research Institute (ARI) has collected a wide array of manpower Personnel Research (MPR) data in support of its research activities. Until this current effort, there have been no formal procedures or guidelines for the documentation and archive of these numerous databases. The ability of new users to access and utilize extant ARI data, whether collected by ARI staff or by outside contractors, is heavily dependent on the knowledge of those ARI staff members who worked most closely with the data. With organizational turnover and downsizing, critical information needed to access and use data by new users will be lost over time. As Phase I of a two phase effort, the Human Resources Research Organization (HumRRO), and Fu Associates were awarded a contract to develop standards for documentation and archive of extant ARI datasets. The development of these documentation and archive standards is the subject of this report.