Functions of Positive and Negative Type, and their Connection with the Theory of Integral Equations
The present memoir is the outcome of an attempt to obtain the conditions under which a given symmetric and continuous function k ( s, t ) is definite, in the sense of Hilbert. At an early stage, however, it was found that the class of definite functions was too restricted to allow the determination of necessary and sufficient conditions in terms of the determinants of § 10. The discovery that this could be done for functions of positive or negative type, and the fact that almost all the theorems which are true of definite functions are, with slight modification, true of these, led finally to the abandonment of the original plan in favour of a discussion of the properties of functions belonging to the wider classes. The first part of the memoir is devoted to the definition of various terms employed, and to the re-statement of the consequences which follow from Hilbert’s theorem.