PCR identification of dermatophyte fungi Trichophyton rubrum, T. soudanense and T. gourvilii.
Diagnosis of dermatophytosis employing conventional laboratory procedures has been complicated by the slow growth and varied morphological features shown by dermatophytes. After analysis of the nucleotide base sequences of a 1.2-kb fragment amplified from a dermatophyte fungus Trichophyton rubrum by arbitrarily primed PCR with random primer OPD18, a pair of primers (TRIF and TR1R) was designed and evaluated for specific identification of T. rubrum. The sensitivity of the primers TR1F and TR1R was high, as a specific PCR band of c. 600 bp was detected from as little as 7 pg of T. rubrum DNA. By examining 92 dermatophyte strains and clinical isolates, it was found that this pair of primers reacted in PCR with T. rubrum, T. soudanense and T. gourvilii through formation of the specific fragment of 600 bp, but not with any other of the dermatophyte species or varieties, fungi, yeasts or bacteria tested. As T rubrum is one of the most frequently isolated dermatophyte fungi, and T. soudanense and T. gourvilii are relatively uncommon in many parts of the world, these primers can be used for rapid, sensitive and specific identification and differentiation of T. rubrum from other fungi and micro-organisms.