Forecasting the Price of Oil

We address some of the key questions that arise in forecasting the price of crude oil. What do applied forecasters need to know about the choice of sample period and about the tradeoffs between alternative oil price series and model specifications? Are real or nominal oil prices predictable based on macroeconomic aggregates? Does this predictability translate into gains in out-of-sample forecast accuracy compared with conventional no-change forecasts? How useful are oil futures markets in forecasting the price of oil? How useful are survey forecasts? How does one evaluate the sensitivity of a baseline oil price forecast to alternative assumptions about future demand and supply conditions? How does one quantify risks associated with oil price forecasts? Can joint forecasts of the price of oil and of U.S. real GDP growth be improved upon by allowing for asymmetries?

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[2]  Lutz Kilian,et al.  Do Oil Prices Help Forecast U.S. Real GDP? The Role of Nonlinearities and Asymmetries , 2012 .

[3]  L. Kilian,et al.  Real-Time Analysis of Oil Price Risks Using Forecast Scenarios , 2011 .

[4]  Tatsuma Wada,et al.  OIL PRICE SHOCKS AND INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION: IS THE RELATIONSHIP LINEAR? , 2011, Macroeconomic Dynamics.

[5]  Lutz Kilian,et al.  Are the responses of the U.S. economy asymmetric in energy price increases and decreases , 2011 .

[6]  Lutz Kilian,et al.  Real-Time Forecasts of the Real Price of Oil , 2011 .

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[13]  Lutz Kilian,et al.  The Allocative Cost of Price Ceilings in the U.S. Residential Market for Natural Gas , 2008, Journal of Political Economy.

[14]  Jonathan H. Wright,et al.  Forecasting Inflation , 2011 .

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[16]  Ryan P. Kellogg The Effect of Uncertainty on Investment: Evidence from Texas Oil Drilling , 2010 .

[17]  Joyce Dargay,et al.  World oil demand’s shift toward faster growing and less price-responsive products and regions , 2010 .

[18]  F. Ravazzolo,et al.  Oil and US GDP: A Real-Time Out-of-Sample Examination , 2010 .

[19]  L. Kilian Explaining Fluctuations in Gasoline Prices: A Joint Model of the Global Crude Oil Market and the U.S. Retail Gasoline Market , 2010 .

[20]  J. Elder,et al.  Oil Price Uncertainty , 2010 .

[21]  Lutz Kilian,et al.  The Role of Inventories and Speculative Trading in the Global Market for Crude Oil , 2010 .

[22]  Michael P. Clements,et al.  Real-time Forecasting of Inflation and Output Growth in the Presence of Data Revisions , 2010 .

[23]  Paolo Zagaglia,et al.  Macroeconomic Factors and Oil Futures Prices: A Data-Rich Model , 2010 .

[24]  G. Peersman,et al.  Sources of the Volatility Puzzle in the Crude Oil Market , 2009 .

[25]  Max Gillman,et al.  Monetary Effects on Nominal Oil Prices , 2009 .

[26]  Todd E. Clark,et al.  Nested Forecast Model Comparisons: A New Approach to Testing Equal Accuracy , 2009 .

[27]  L. Kilian,et al.  How sensitive are consumer expenditures to retail energy prices , 2009 .

[28]  Stanislav Anatolyev,et al.  Inference in Regression Models with Many Regressors , 2009 .

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[30]  Lutz Kilian,et al.  Did Unexpectedly Strong Economic Growth Cause the Oil Price Shock of 2003-2008? , 2009 .

[31]  Kenneth S. Rogoff,et al.  Three Epochs of Oil , 2009 .

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[33]  Qi Li,et al.  Should Oil Prices Receive so Much Attention? An Evaluation of the Predictive Power of Oil Prices for the U.S. Economy , 2008 .

[34]  Kenneth S. Rogoff,et al.  Can Exchange Rates Forecast Commodity Prices? , 2008 .

[35]  Lutz Kilian,et al.  Exogenous Oil Supply Shocks: How Big Are They and How Much Do They Matter for the U.S. Economy? , 2005, The Review of Economics and Statistics.

[36]  Todd E. Clark,et al.  Tests of equal predictive ability with Real-Time data. Discussion paper , 2007 .

[37]  L. Kilian,et al.  What Do We Learn from the Price of Crude Oil Futures? , 2007 .

[38]  L. Kilian The Economic Effects of Energy Price Shocks , 2007 .

[39]  L. Kilian,et al.  Oil Shocks and External Balances , 2007, SSRN Electronic Journal.

[40]  L. Kilian,et al.  Quantifying the Risk of Deflation , 2007 .

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[42]  Inference About Predictive Ability When There are Many Predictors , 2007 .

[43]  L. Kilian,et al.  The Central Banker as a Risk Manager: Estimating the Federal Reserve's Preferences under Greenspan , 2007 .

[44]  Thomas A. Knetsch,et al.  Forecasting the Price of Crude Oil Via Convenience Yield Predictions , 2007, SSRN Electronic Journal.

[45]  L. Kilian Not All Oil Price Shocks are Alike: Disentangling Demand and Supply Shocks in the Crude Oil Market , 2006 .

[46]  David F. Hendry,et al.  Robustifying forecasts from equilibrium-correction systems , 2006 .

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