(Non-) Driving-Related Activities in the Car: Defining Driver Activities for Manual and Automated Driving

Copyright is held by the author/owner(s). Workshop on Experiencing Autonomous Vehicles: Crossing the Boundaries between a Drive and a Ride at CHI’15 , April 18–23, 2015, Seoul, Korea. Abstract The multitude of communication and infotainment features of modern cars enable drivers to perform many tasks on the go. If these tasks are not directly related to maneuvering the vehicle (i.e., the primary driving task), literature usually refers to such tasks as secondary or tertiary driving tasks. For automated driving the traditional separation into different driving tasks needs to be adapted since the “old” primary driving task will become obsolete. In order to prevent the necessity of different driving task definitions for automated and manual driving, we foster the use of alternative terms and provide a definition therefore: Driving-related activities comprise all tasks to safely control the vehicle while non-driving-related activities comprise all activities beyond maneuvering the vehicle. These terms can be used consistently for both automated and manual driving situations.