Sistem pendukung keputusan untuk menentukan kelayakan desa mandiri menggunakan FMADM
This is technology development reserach on decision support system which is hoped to be able to help decision makers and deciding the categories of independent villages through the following criteria : econoic , education , helath, and environtment. the multiple attributive decision making (FMADM) was uses as the method for taking decision to determine the best alternative among others alternatives based on certain criteria. meanwhile for solving the FMADM problems, analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was implemented. the aim of this research is to give guidelines or recommendation to goverment in order to improve society welfare throught independent village.
in this research there was a case study to find the best alternative based on criteria determined by using AHP method to implement the FMADM method calculation on the case. this research was conducted by finding the score for eachattribute. futhermore, there would be grade evaluation to determine optimum alternative, that is the best independent village.