Recent advances in optimization
Optimization Theory and Algorithms.- On the Asymptotic Behavior of a System of Steepest Descent Equations Coupled by a Vanishing Mutual Repulsion.- Inverse Linear Programming.- Second-Order Conditions in C1,1 Vector Optimization with Inequality and Equality Constraints.- Benson Proper Efficiency in Set-Valued Optimization on Real Linear Spaces.- Some Results About Proximal-Like Methods.- Application of the Proximal Point Method to a System of Extended Primal-Dual Equilibrium Problems.- On Stability of Multistage Stochastic Decision Problems.- Nonholonomic Optimization.- A Note on Error Estimates for some Interior Penalty Methods.- Optimal Control and Calculus of Variations.- L1-Optimal Boundary Control of a String to Rest in Finite Time.- An Application of PL Continuation Methods to Singular Arcs Problems.- On an Elliptic Optimal Control Problem with Pointwise Mixed Control-State Constraints.- On Abstract Control Problems with Non-Smooth Data.- Sufficiency Conditions for Infinite Horizon Optimal Control Problems.- On Nonconvex Relaxation Properties of Multidimensional Control Problems.- Existence and Structure of Solutions of Autonomous Discrete Time Optimal Control Problems.- Numerical Methods for Optimal Control with Binary Control Functions Applied to a Lotka-Volterra Type Fishing Problem.- Game Theory.- Some Characterizations of Convex Games.- The Bird Core for Minimum Cost Spanning Tree Problems Revisited: Monotonicity and Additivity Aspects.- A Parametric Family of Mixed Coalitional Values.- Industrial Applications and Numerical Testing.- Complementarity Problems in Restructured Natural Gas Markets.- Reconciling Franchisor and Franchisee: A Planar Biobjective Competitive Location and Design Model.- Tools for Robotic Trajectory Planning Using Cubic Splines and Semi-Infinite Programming.- Solving Mathematical Programs with Complementarity Constraints with Nonlinear Solvers.- A Filter Algorithm and Other NLP Solvers: Performance Comparative Analysis.- How Wastewater Processes can be Optimized Using LOQO.