The new intense sweetener Acesulfame K

Abstract The use of Acesulfame K is permitted under the ‘Sweeteners in Food Regulations 1983’. International acceptance of Acesulfame K was manifested by a favourable assessment and the allocation of an ADI by the WHO/FAO. Acesulfame K is approximately 200 times sweeter than sucrose in diluted solutions. Its taste is generally considered to be good. Under most processing and storage conditions used for foods and beverages it seems to be virtually stable. No adverse reactions or unacceptable losses in sweetness have been observed. The high solubility is advantageous in preparing products with higher water content. Acesulfame K appears to be suitable for all the usual fields of application of high-intensity sweeteners. Soft drinks of different types have been prepared and given favourable ratings. Tablets, granules, tabletop powders and solutions of Acesulfame K have been prepared for household purposes. There are no problems in using Acesulfame K in combination with sorbitol, polydextrose or similar bulking compounds. Mixtures of Acesulfame K and bulking ingredients are suitable for many types of foodstuffs like jams and marmalades, desserts, baked goods and chewing gum.