Vertical transmission of hepatitis C virus.

The incidence of hepatitis C in childhood is approximately 0.4%. The mode of transmission can be parenteral, sexual, occupational and also vertical. The latter has an incidence that varies widely and it increases in the case of human immuno-deficiency virus (HIV) coinfection and high titers of HCV in the mother. The vertical transmission is not influenced by breast feeding, however, data are discrepant with regard to child delivery (cesarean section vs vaginal delivery). Ninety-seven babies born from mothers with hepatitis C from 1996 to 1999, were evaluated prospectively in the Day Hospital of the Pediatric Department of Parma. The protocol of observation established a blood sampling for titers of antibodies anti-HCV and HCV-RNA at the 3rd trimester of pregnancy and subsequent clinical and biochemical controls at 3-6-9-12-15 and 18 months. Thirty (31.2%) out of the 96 mothers evaluated were positive for antibodies anti-HCV and 66 (68.8%) were positive for antibodies anti-HCV and HCV-RNA. Five (5.15%) out of the 97 babies evaluated were infected by HCV. Of these 4 were delivered vaginally and 1 by cesarean section. Of the 3 babies born to mothers with HIV coinfection, none was infected by HIV, but 1 was infected by HCV. Vertical transmission is increased by HCV viral load or HIV coinfection in the mother. The vaginal delivery and breastfeeding do not represent an additional risk factor.