Partial N-terminal amino acid sequence of the anti-neoplastic urinary protein (ANUP) and the anti-tumour effect of the N-terminal nonapeptide of the unique cytokine present in human granulocytes.

The N-terminal amino acid sequence of the anti-neoplastic urinary protein (ANUP), a unique cytokine present in human granulocytes, was determined to be: Pyroglu-Leu-Lys-X-Tyr-Thr-X-Lys-Glu-Pro-Met-Thr-Ser(Thr)-Ala-Ala... This sequence showed no significant homology with any other protein when used in database searches. Furthermore, a synthetic nonapeptide corresponding to the first nine residues, with Cys in positions 4 and 7, was found to be a biologically active in vitro anti-tumour agent. An alternate method for the purification of ANUP to that previously reported is also presented. This method involves differential Amicon Diaflo membrane filtration.