AbstractThe present results show that grain boundary sliding in the absence of intragranular strain is very sensitive to factors related to the grain boundary structure, such as the misorientation and the sliding direction in a given boundary. The explanation proposed is based on the existence in the boundaries of linear defects which alter the ideal boundary structure. The structure and certain properties of these defects are studied by a method derived from the method which leads to the ideal structure of grain boundaries. Resume Les resultats experimentaux montrent que le fluage intergranulaire pur, en l'absence de defonnation intragranulaire, est tres sensible a des facteurs lies a la structure des joints de grains, comme la desorientation et la direction du glissement dans un joint donne. La tentative d'interpretation proposee repose sur l'existence de defauts lineaires contenus dans les joints, qui alterent la structure ideale de ces derniers. La structure et certaines proprietes de ces defauts sont...
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Theoretical and experimental determinations of grain boundary structures and energies: Correlation with various experimental results
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Grain boundary migration
D. Mclean.
Grain-Boundary Structure and Segregation
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Interfacial energies of tilt boundaries in aluminium. Experimental and theoretical determination
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Der mechanismus des korngrenzengleitens
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Dislocations in grain boundaries and grain boundary sliding
R. Stevens.
Grain-Boundary Sliding in Metals