Cerebral microgyria, thalamic cell size and auditory temporal processing in male and female rats.

Induction of microgyria by freezing injury to the developing somatosensory cortex of neonatal rats causes a defect in fast auditory processing in males, but not in females. It was speculated that early damage to the cortex has sexually dimorphic cascading effects on other brain regions mediating auditory processing, which can lead to the observed behavioral deficits. In the current series of experiments, bilateral microgyri were induced by placement of a freezing probe on the skulls of newborn male and female rats, and these animals were tested in adulthood for auditory temporal processing. Control animals received sham surgery. The brains from these animals were embedded in celloidin, cut in the coronal plane and the following morphometric measures assessed: microgyric volume, medial geniculate nucleus (MGN) volume, cell number, and cell size, and, as a control, dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN) volume, cell number and cell size. There were no sex differences in the cortical pathology of lesioned animals. However, microgyric males had more small and fewer large neurons in the MGN than their sham-operated counterparts, whereas there was no difference between lesioned and sham-operated females. There was no effect on dLGN cell size distribution in either sex. Microgyric males were significantly impaired in fast auditory temporal processing when compared to control males, whereas lesioned females exhibited no behavioral deficits. These results suggest that early injury to the cerebral cortex may have different effects on specific thalamic nuclei in males and females, with corresponding differences in behavioral effects.

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