Effect of growth regulators on the branching ability of maiden apple trees of the ‘Šampion’ and ‘Jonica’ cultivars

Abstract In 2000-2003, studies were conducted in the Felin Experimental Station at the University of Agriculture in Lublin to evaluate the impact of BA + GA3 2.2% (Arbolin 036 SL) and BA + GA4+7 2.2% and 3.75% (Promalin 3.6 SL) in the form of lanolin paste on the increase of the number of lateral shoots in maiden apple trees of the ‘Šampion’ and ‘Jonica’ cultivars. The growth regulators were found to have a beneficial effect on the branching ability of the maidens of the studied cultivars. ‘Jonica’ showed weaker apical dominance than ‘Šampion’. Young ‘Jonica’ trees had more lateral shoots of greater length than the ‘Šampion’ maidens.