Books Received

A ALTO (P.) Classical studies in Finland 1828-1918. (The history of learning and science in Finland 1828-1918, 10a.) Helsinki: Societas Scientiarum Fennica. 1980. Pp. 210, [3] plates. Price not stated. ADRADOS (F. R.) Ed. Diccionario griego-espanol. By E. Gangutia [and others]. 1. a—dXXa. Madrid: Instituto Antonio de Nebrija. 1980. Pp. clvi + 1—155. Price not stated. ANDREIOMENOU (A. K.) TO KepafitiKov tpyaoT-qpiov rrjs 'Anpaufiias: ra avaoKa(f>iKa SeSoixeva Kal TO. dyyeia rrjg Karr/yopias TU>V BOICDTIK&V KVXIKCUV fj.€Ta nrrjvwv. [Diss.] Athens: [The author]. 1980. Pp. [xvi]+ 247, [39] plates. Price not stated. ARISTIDES (Aelius). Opera quae extant omnia. Vol. 1. Orationes i—xvi complectens. Fasc. 4. Orationes ix-xvi. Ed. F. W. Lenz. Leiden: Brill. 1980. Pp. 627-820. Fl. 116. ARISTOPHANES. The comedies. 1. Acharnians. Ed. and trans. A. H. Sommerstein. Warminster: Aris and Phillips. 1980. Pp. viii + 215. £ 10.00/S29.00 (bound), £5.00/514-50 (paper). ARISTOTLE. La poetique. Ed. and trans. R. DupontRoc andj. Lallot. (Poetique.) Paris: du Seuil. 1980. Pp. [469]. Price not stated. ARRIAN. A historical commentary on Arrian's History of Alexander. By A. B. Bosworth. 1. Commentary on books i—iii. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1980. Pp. xv + 396. £30.00. ASINE. 2. Results of the excavations east of the acropolis 1970-74. Fasc. 2. The Middle Helladic cemetery, the Middle Helladic and Early Mycenaean deposits. By S. Dietz. (Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Athen, 4°, 24:2.) Stockholm: Svenska Institutet i Athen. 1980. Pp. 144 [132] illus. (incl. plates, text figs., plans). 200. [Distributed by Paul Astroms Forlag.] ASTROM (P.) Arkeologiskt detektivarbete. (Archaeological detective work.) (Studies in Mediterranean archaeology, pocket book, 11.) Goteborg: Astrom. 1980. Pp. 119, [16] plates, 38 text figs. 50. ATHENS. Athens and environs. By S. Rossiter. 2nd ed. (Blue guides.) London etc.: Benn and Chicago etc.: Rand McNally. 1981. Pp. 189, [3] text figs., [2] maps, [20] plans. £10.95 (bound), £5-95 (paper). AULOCK (H. VON) Miinzen und Stadte Phrygiens. Teil 1. (Istanbuler Mitteilungen, Beiheft 25.) Tubingen: Wasmuth. 1980. Pp. 155, 30 plates. DM 40. AUTOLYCUS. La sphere en mouvement. Levers et couchers heliaques. Testimonia. Ed. and trans. G. Aujac [and others]. (Bude.) Paris: Les Belles Lettres. 1979. Pp. 191. Fr. 93. AYIA TRIADA. Haghia Triada nel periodo palaziale. By F. Halbherr [and others]. (Annuario della Scuola archeologica di Atene, 55 [n.s. 39].) Rome: 'L'Erma' di Bretschneider. 1980. Pp. 365, numerous illus. (incl. plates, test figs., maps, plans (some folding, 1 in rear pocket). Price not stated. BARRABINI (V.) Ed. L'Odissea a Trapani: avvio allo studio ex novo del poema otnerico visto nel suo vero ambiente. Trapani: [The editor]. [1980]. Pp. 279. Price not stated. BEATON (R.) Folk poetry of modern Greece. Cambridge etc.: University Press. 1980. Pp. xvi + 229, 2 maps. £12.50. BERMEJO 0.) Mito parentesco en la Grecia arcaica. (Akal bolsillo, 9.) Madrid: Akal. 1980. Pp. 235. Price not stated. BEYER (I.) Die Tempel von Dreros und Prinias A und die Chronologie der kretischen Kunst des 8. und 7. Jhs. v. Chr. Text and plates. Berlin: Wasmuth {for the author, Freiburg). 1976. Pp. 187, 66 plates, [1] loose table. DM 37 (2 vols.) BIANCHI (U.) Ed. La 'doppia creazione' dell* uomo negli Alessandrini, nei Cappadoci e nella gnosi. By C. Aloe Spada [and others]. (Prometeo, Orfeo, Adamo, 2: nuovi saggi, 70.) Rome: dell'Ateneo e Bizzarri. 1978. Pp. [viii]+ 208. L 5,000. BIANCHI (U.) Saggi di metodologia della storia delle religioni. (Nuovi saggi, 75.) Rome: dell'Ateneo e Bizzarri. 1979. Pp. 327. L 8,000. BICKERMAN (E. J.) Chronology of the ancient world. 2nd ed. (Aspects of Greek and Roman life.) London: Thames and Hudson. 1980. Pp. 223, 8 text figs. £4.95 (paper). BICKERMAN (E. J.) Quattro libri stravaganti della Bibbia: Giona-Daniele-Kohelet-Ester. Trans. F. Parente. (II mondo antico, 6.) Bologna: Patron. 1979. Pp. 253, [12] plates. L 10,000. BILLERBECK (M.) Der Kyniker Demetrius: ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der friihkaiserzeitlichen Popularphilosophie. (Philosophia antiqua, 36.) Leiden: Brill. 1979. Pp. x + 69. Fl. 24. BINGOL (O.) Das ionische Normalkapitell in hellenistischer und romischer Zeit in Kleinasien. (Istanbuler Mitteilungen, Beiheft 20.) Tubingen: Wasmuth. 1980. Pp. 247, 41 plates, numerous text figs. DM 106. BLAZQUEZ (J. M.) Las raices clasicas de la cultura iberica. Estado de la cuestion. Ultimas aportaciones. [Archivo espafiol de arqueologia, 52.] Madrid: C.S.I.C. 1979. Pp. 141-165, [9] plates. Price not stated. BLAZQUEZ Q. M.) and others. Excavaciones en el Cabezo de San Pedro (Huelva): campana de 1977. (Excavaciones arqueologicas en Espafia, 102.) Madrid: Ministerio de Cultura. 1979. Pp. 199, 6 plates, 74 text figs. Ptas. 1,500. BLAZQUEZ (J. M.) and others. Historia de Espafia antigua. 1. Protohistoria. Madrid: Catedra. 1989. Pp. 605, numerous illus. (incl. plates, text figs., maps, plans). Price not stated.

[1]  M. Schofield,et al.  Doubt and dogmatism : studies in Hellenistic epistemology , 1983 .

[2]  Donald J. Mastronarde Contact and Discontinuity: Some Conventions of Speech and Action on the Greek Tragic Stage , 1982 .

[3]  G. Naumann,et al.  Probleme des griechischen Weihreliefs , 1981 .

[4]  G. Shipp,et al.  Modern Greek Evidence for the Ancient Greek Vocabulary , 1981 .

[5]  L. Barnard Jewish and Christian Self-Definition: The Shaping of Christianity in the Second and Third Centuries , 1980 .

[6]  Schein The Iambic Trimeter in Aeschylus and Sophocles: A Study in Metrical Form , 1979 .

[7]  British School of Archaeology at Athens , 1974, The Annual of the British School at Athens.

[8]  Alan H. Sommerstein,et al.  The Grammar of Attic Inscriptions. 1. Phonology , 1982 .

[9]  K. Schmidt,et al.  Kosmologische Aspekte im Geschichtswerk des Poseidonios , 1982 .

[10]  Plutarch,et al.  Du destin ; Le démon de Socrate ; De l'exil ; Consolation à sa femme , 1980 .

[11]  Jeannette Papadopoulos Xoana e sphyrelata : testimonianza delle fonti scritte , 1980 .

[12]  A. Ovadiah Geometric and Floral Patterns in Ancient Mosaics: A Study of Their Origin in the Mosaics from the Classical Period to the Age of Augustus , 1980 .

[13]  E. B. French,et al.  Excavations at Mycenae, 1939-1955 , 1979 .

[14]  G. Nagy The Best of the Achaeans: Concepts of the Hero in Archaic Greek Poetry , 1979 .

[15]  Michael B. Walbank Athenian Proxenies of the Fifth Century B.C. , 1978 .

[16]  E. G. Turner,et al.  Greek Papyri: An Introduction , 1968 .