Branch-width is defined for graphs, matroids, and, more generally, arbitrary symmetric submodular functions. For a finite set <i>V</i>, a function <i>f</i> on the set of subsets 2<sup><i>V</i></sup> of <i>V</i> is <i>submodular</i> if <i>f</i>(<i>X</i>) + <i>f</i>(<i>Y</i>) ≥ <i>f</i>(<i>X</i> ∩ <i>Y</i>) + <i>f</i>(<i>X</i> ∪ <i>Y</i>), and <i>symmetric</i> if <i>f</i>(<i>X</i>) = <i>f</i>(<i>V \ X</i>). We discuss the computational complexity of recognizing that symmetric submodular functions have branch-width at most <i>k</i> for fixed <i>k</i>. An integer-valued symmetric submodular function <i>f</i> on 2<sup><i>V</i></sup> is a <i>connectivity function</i> if <i>f</i>(θ) = 0 and <i>f</i>({<i>v</i>}) ≤ 1 for all <i>v</i> ∈ <i>V</i>. We show that for each constant <i>k</i>, if a connectivity function <i>f</i> on 2<sup><i>V</i></sup> is presented by an oracle and the branch-width of <i>f</i> is larger than <i>k</i>, then there is a certificate of polynomial size (in |<i>V</i>|) such that a polynomial-time algorithm can verify the claim that branch-width of <i>f</i> is larger than <i>k.</i> In particular it is in coNP to recognize matroids represented over a fixed field with branch-width at most <i>k</i> for fixed <i>k.</i>
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Constructive Linear Time Algorithms for Branchwidth
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Graphs of bounded rank-width
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A Parametrized Algorithm for Matroid Branch-Width
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A combinatorial strongly polynomial algorithm for minimizing submodular functions
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A Combinatorial Algorithm Minimizing Submodular Functions in Strongly Polynomial Time
J. Comb. Theory B.
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Approximating clique-width and branch-width
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B.
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Graph minors. X. Obstructions to tree-decomposition
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