Method for bi-directional communication between source device and destination device during allocated channel time
The present invention relates to a method and apparatus for transmitting and receiving data in both directions for a channel time allocation between two wireless devices using the CSMA / CA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access / Collision Avoidance) scheme competition. The present invention, during the allocated channel time, the source device as a method for transmitting data to a (source device) the destination device (destination device), the method comprising: receiving a first data frame from the destination device, transmitting the ACK to the destination device this step and, after having transmitted the ACK steps of checking whether the channel is idle for a predetermined waiting time, and a channel within the delay period, if it is empty to a step of transmitting a second data frame to the destination device. IEEE 802.15.3, CTA, piconet, PNC, CSMA / CA, the backoff