Predictive Missile Guidance

Guidance to intercept a maneuvering target is considered. Uncertainty in the predicted target position at interception is handled by constructing a Gaussian-sum approximation to the probability density function of that position.Aguidanceframework inspiredbymodelpredictivecontrolispresented,withtheobjectiveofmaximizing theprobability ofsuccessful interception, and simplie cationsto make thecomputations feasibleare suggested. The schemeis extended to the multitargetcase, incorporating uncertain information on target identity.Themultitarget procedure allows compromise between progress toward the selected target and keeping as many targets reachable as possible. Simulation results illustrating performance improvements over conventional guidance are presented. Nomenclature a = lateral acceleration C = maximum number of maneuver changes allowed = missile effectiveness function J = cost function k = discrete-time instant L = prediction horizon M = control horizon, number of update intervals to interception Mi = maneuver history N = number of possible target maneuver actions (x, P) = Gaussian probability density function with mean x, covariance P