Práticas educativas em saúde do enfermeiro com a família da criança hospitalizada
The reflections about the way that the nurses integrate the care of the patients with educative actions in the childhood assistance led to the following problem: As the nurse has developed the actions of education in health with the hospitalized children families? This study aims to describe the actual nurse’s educational praxis to the hospitalized children families. This is a qualitative design of descriptive and exploratory research. The subjects were nine nurses that work in the inpatient unit of a University hospital pediatric located in the town of Rio de Janeiro. The data collection was made by semi-structured interview applied to the subjects form September to November 2006. The following category emerged from the thematic analysis of the answers: The educational praxis in health: preparing the families of technology dependent children for the home care. We verify that the educational actions are mainly concentrated in the technology dependent children. The recommendations of the study are: to create of home care service for the children that need specialized care so that the families have a support network to their children; and to create educational groups with the hospitalized children families.