Libras as a tool for providing mental health care: from barrier to access

Objective:The study’s purpose has been to identify the concept of Comprehensive Health Care regarding the idea of Access and Barrier; furthermore, to validate the use of Lingua Brasileira de Sinais (LIBRAS) [Brazilian Sign Language, BSL] as a tool for providing Comprehensive Care in a Mental Health ambulatory. Methods: It is a descriptive-exploratory research with a qualitative approach, type of Experience Report, which is supported by the data collection of a Field Diary of the trajectory of a Guide-User as a way of mapping and analyzing the service that provides care in Mental Health, regarding the concepts of Access and Barrier. Results: In the care service, the user and his/her caregiver communicated through LIBRAS , but the professional was unaware of that language. It was observed that the non-appropriation of LIBRAS resulted in a communication barrier during the care service. Conclusion: The health care services should develop practices that allow building drives, meetings and production of different ways of being in the world.

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