Development of the Tool for Software Re-engineering and Maintenance
Re-engineering tools can substantially increase software maintenance productivity and the quality of maintenance work. Re-engineering usually involves changing the form(e.g.changining objects names and definitions, restructuring process logic) of a program. In this paper, we describe the design and implementation of InMaC++ that is a software tool oriented towards maintenance of C++ object oriented programs. With InMaC++, programms can be displayed and edited in two forms : as the code and as the diagram InMaC++ also contains transformations in both directions, i,e. from code to diagram and from diagram to skeletons of code. Hence, it is suitable for re-engineering and maintenance of existing code. Specially designed browsers implement the graphical interface. InMaC++ contains a database that is based on a simple but effective data model of InMaC++ programs. The model contains only four object classes and three relations, which makes the tool small, and easy to implement and use. A simple query language allows browsing through the database.