Toward an experimental validation of new AO concepts for future E-ELT instrumentation

For the last few years, LAM has been carrying out several R&D activities in Adaptive Optics (AO) instrumentation for Extremely Large Telescopes (ELTs). In the European ELT framework, a multi-purpose AO bench is developed to allow the experimental validation of new instrumental concepts dedicated to the next generation of ELTs. It is based on the use of a Shack-Hartmann wave-front sensor in front of a 140 actuators micro-deformable mirror (Boston Micromachines), dedicated to “low orders” modes, while a Pyramid wave-front sensor (PWFS) will be combined to a Liquid Crystal Spatial Light Modulator for “high orders” correction. Both systems could be merged in a two stages AO concept allowing to study the coupling of a telescope pre-correction using a dedicated large M4 deformable mirror and a post focal high order AO system. Analysis and optimisation of the spatial and temporal splits of the AO correction between the two systems is therefore essential. Finally, we will use the world’s fastest and most sensitive camera system OCAM (developed at LAM) coupled with the pyramid , to demonstrate the concept of a fast and hyper-sensitive PWFS (up to 100x100 sub-pupils) dedicated to the first generation instruments for ELTs.