Cooperation between novice designers (students) and professional in building industry

ing complexity of the design tasks. A supportive design method was developed in cooperation with the Dutch professional organizations of architects and consulting engineers. The design method is focused on the creation of proposals in the conceptual phase of building design. It helps in structuring communication between design team members as well as the provision an overview of the design task. After testing the method through workshops in the industry, the method was applied at the department of architecture by masters students’ in their multidisciplinary masters project Integral design. The participation and support from industry professionals led to the development of the design method. This cooperation between professionals and students is an example for a kind of educational bridge for engineering education. At the same time it allows us to research the differences between novice designers and professionals. At the latest version of the workshop, professional participation was introduced. In this article we focus on the use of morphological overviews in illustrating the difference in design projects between novice designers (master students) and professionals, as well as their influence and effectiveness.