Complement Anaphora and Dynamic Binding
Both these examples are from (Maxey, Sanford & Barton 1 990) . The contrast with (1 b) shows that a pronoun following a sequence few AB can pick out either those A's which are B (the ' reference set ' or refset) or those A's which are not B (the complement set or compset) . Moxey & Sanford observe that this tends to apply to quantifiers which are monotone decreasing in their right argument I ( M 1 ) such as few, very few and not many (Moxey & Sanford, 1 996 :2 1 4) . Other quantifiers denoting similarly small proportions a few. only a few were found to support anaphora to the refset only (except that ollly a Jew produced some compset continuations in the presence of because) . Examples (2) and (3) are attested cases which appear to involve reference to a complement set (though many readers , myself included, find (3 ) rather difficult to process):
[1] Richard Montague,et al. The Proper Treatment of Quantification in Ordinary English , 1973 .
[2] Uwe Reyle,et al. From discourse to logic , 1993 .
[3] Francis Corblin,et al. Quantification et anaphore discursive : la référence aux complémentaires , 1996 .
[4] K. Paterson,et al. Attentional focusing with quantifiers in production and comprehension , 1996, Memory & cognition.