Dynamics of fluids and transport in complex fractured-porous systems

Contributors vii Preface ix Introduction: Paul Witherspoon and the Birth of Contemporary Fractured Rock Hydrogeology R. Allan Freeze, Iraj Javandel, and Shlomo P. Neuman 1 1 A Complex Systems Approach to Describing Flow and Transport in Fractured-Porous Media Boris Faybishenko, Sally M. Benson, John E. Gale, and Fred Molz 5 Part I: Methods of Field Measurements and Experiments 2 Fracture Flow and Underground Research Laboratories for Nuclear Waste Disposal and Physics Experiments Joseph S. Y. Wang and John A. Hudson 21 3 Permeability Structure of a Strike-Slip Fault Kenzi Karasaki, Celia T. Onishi, and Junichi Goto 43 4 Feasibility of Long-Term Passive Monitoring of Deep Hydrogeology with Flowing Fluid Electric Conductivity Logging Method Prabhakar Sharma, Chin-Fu Tsang, Christine Doughty, Auli Niemi, and Jacob Bensabat 53 Part II: Collective Behavior and Emergent Properties of Complex Fractured Rock Systems 5 Particle Swarms in Fractures Eric Boomsma and Laura J. Pyrak-Nolte 65 6 The Effect of Chemical Osmosis on Oil and Gas Production from Fractured Shale Formations Perapon Fakcharoenphol, Basak Kurtoglu, Hossein Kazemi, Sarinya Charoenwongsa, and Yu-Shu Wu 85 7 An Experimental Investigation of Stress-Dependent Permeability and Permeability Hysteresis Behavior in Rock Fractures Da Huo and Sally M. Benson 99 8 Permeability of Partially Cemented Fractures Michael C. Tsenn 115 9 An Emergent Conductivity Relationship for Water Flow Based on Minimized Energy Dissipation: From Landscapes to Unsaturated Soils Hui-Hai Liu 129 10 Comparison of Simulated Flow in a Discrete Fracture Laboratory Sample Based on Measured Average and Spatially Varying Hydraulic Conductivity Eunjeong Seok and John E. Gale 137 Part III: Connection to the Surrounding Environment 11 Fractures as Advective Conduits at the Earth-Atmosphere Interface Maria Ines Dragila, Uri Nachshon, and Noam Weisbrod 161 12 Quantifying Water Flow and Retention in an Unsaturated Fracture-Facial Domain John R. Nimmo and Siamak Malek-Mohammadi 169 Part IV: Multidisciplinary Research for Different Applications 13 Plutonium Transport in Soil and Plants: An Interdisciplinary Study Motivated by Lysimeter Experiments at the Savannah River Site Fred Molz, Inci Demirkanli, Shannon Thompson, Dan Kaplan, and Brian Powell 183 14 Experimental and Modeling Studies of Episodic Air-Water Two-Phase Flow in Fractures and Fracture Networks Thomas Wood and Hai Huang 209 15 Simulation of THM Processes in Fractured Reservoirs Philip H. Winterfeld and Yu-Shu Wu 229 Index 243