Check Amount Recognition Based on the Cross Validation of Courtesy and Legal Amount Fields
Check amount recognition is one of the most promising commercial applications of handwriting recognition. This paper is devoted to the description of the check reading system developed to recognize amounts on American personal checks. Special attention is paid to a reliable procedure developed to reject doubtful answers. For this purpose the legal (worded) amount on a personal check is recognized along with the courtesy (digit) amount. For both courtesy and legal amount fields, a brief description of all recognition stages beginning with field extraction and ending with the recognition itself are presented. We also present the explanation of problems existing at each stage and their possible solutions. The numeral recognizer used to read the amounts written in figures is described. This recognizer is based on the procedure of matching input subgraphs to graphs of symbol prototypes. Main principles of the handwriting recognizer used to read amounts written in words are explained. The recognizer is based on the idea of describing the handwriting with the most stable handwriting elements. The concept of the optimal confidence level of the recognition answer is introduced. It is shown that the conditional probability of the answer correctness is an optimal confidence level function. The algorithms of the optimal confidence level estimation for some special cases are described. The sophisticated algorithm of cross validation between legal and courtesy amount recognition results based on the optimal confidence level approach is proposed. Experimental results on real checks are presented. The recognition rate at 1% error rate is 67%. The recognition rate without reject is 85%. Significant improvement is achieved due to legal amount processing in spite of a relatively low recognition rate for this field.