User and system considerations for the TCSTEK software library: a graphics library for displaying images on Tektronix 4000 series storage tube terminals
This report documents the idiosyncrasies of the Tektronix PLOT 10 Terminal Control System (TCS) level 3.3 software as it currently exists on the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Fusion Energy Division DECsystem-10 computer. It pertains to the graphics software library called TCSTEK, which may be used to convert TCS subroutine calls into display images on the screens of Tektronix 4000 series storage tube terminals. Fully described here are several user-oriented enhancements and system efficiency modifications to the vendor-supplied TCS software library. It is intended that this report serve as a reference for future TCS updates so that continuity between releases of TCS PLOT 10 software may be maintained. 1 figure.