If One Steps Out of the Phalanx: Analyzing Leaders' Influence on Sales Force Automation Adoption with a Four Source Dataset
The implementation of sales force automation applications (SFA) often fails owing to
the lack of adoption by salespeople. Previous studies investigating drivers of
salespeople’s SFA adoption have mainly scrutinized predictors on the level of
salespeople (within-level analysis). Hence, these studies have mostly neglected the
social influence of coworkers’ and superiors’ SFA adoption on salespeople’s SFA
adoption. We introduce a new perspective using a multilevel framework of SFA
adoption at several hierarchical levels. The findings demonstrate that coworkers’ and
superiors’ SFA adoption has a positive effect on subordinates’ SFA adoption which
goes beyond the commonly tested determinants. Also, results reveal differences
among predictors of the Technology Acceptance Model (within-level effects)
examined at three different hierarchical levels.