Improving Governance: A New Logic for Empirical Research

factors that influence economic development decisions. Reese and Rosenfeld conclude that environmental forces such as economic conditions, the formal structure of government, or place in the spatial urban hierarchy do not determine the economic development approaches. The only external force that has some influence is intercity competition. The authors conclude that civic culture has a more significant impact on such decisions. A key factor in all communities that needs to be explored further is the role of leadership and the impact an individual can have upon taking advantage of his/her position within the economic development hierarchy to drive policy. The position and influence of such an individual is often determined by civic culture. The authors implicitly recognize this, but a more explicit explanation of the role of leadership would be useful. This study points out both the uniqueness and the complexity of individual communities in the United States and Canada. While certain generalities among them can be drawn, each community responds to external forces in ways that have been shaped by its history and immediate circumstances. The authors demonstrate the importance civic culture plays in shaping these responses in economic development policy. Reese and Rosenfeld have identified an area of research in urban public policy making that should spawn further investigation.