AtAnAssovA, I., M. teohArov and M. hArIzAnovA, 2015. vertical distribution of heavy metals in soils under the application of industrial sludge from paint and print industry. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 21: 54-63 Investigated were soil profiles (0-200 cm) under industrial sludge from a waste water treatment facility of a textile painting plant near elin Pelin, Bulgaria. Morphogenetic and heavy metal analysis was carried out and relation was established with heavy metals and organic contaminants in soils. The soils (Profile 1 and Profile 2) were classified as Technosols and characterized by the presence of differentiated Bu (1,2) horizons. The two soil profiles have neutral to alkaline soil reaction (pH 7-8) which correlates with the carbonate content. In the soil profile under sludge application Cu, Cr, Ni, Zn and Co distribution indicates anthropogenic source. Pb, Mn and Fe come from a different industrial source as their contents are elevated in the technogenic Bu horizons of the soil profile. The sludge contained heavy metals are not likely to have been transported down the soil profiles. In the soil profile with no sludge addition the heavy metal distribution, again indicates anthropogenic sources with Zn, Cu, Mn and Pb showing elevated contents in the middle part of the soil profile. In the control soil (Gleyic Luvisol), chromium, nickel, cobalt and Fe are generally of lithogenic origin, while Cu, Zn, Mn have bio(pedo)genic sources. The anthropogenictechnogenic character of heavy metal sources was confirmed by some contaminant compounds (metabolites) detected in the Bu horizons of the technosols.
V. Okudoh,et al.
Enhanced Recovery and Identification of a Tryptamine-Related Antibiotic Produced by Intrasporangium N8 from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
K. Arnold,et al.
Organic Contaminants from Sewage Sludge Applied to Agricultural Soils. False Alarm Regarding Possible Problems for Food Safety? (8 pp)
Environmental science and pollution research international.
Ðarûnas Antanaitis,et al.
Migration of heavy metals in soil and their concentration in sewage and sewage sludge
Wu Jifu.
Heavy metal concentrations and their decreasing trends in sewage sludges of China
M. Coull,et al.
A long-term study of the effects of heavy metals in sewage sludge on soil fertility and soil microbial activity
B. J. Alloway,et al.
The behaviour of heavy metals in sewage sludge-amended soils.
The Science of the total environment.
S. R. Wild,et al.
The persistence of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in sewage sludge amended agricultural soils.
Environmental pollution.
D. J. Campbell,et al.
The soil solution in a soil treated with digested sewage sludge
A. Pukite,et al.