The flower mites of Trinidad III: The genus Rhinoseius (Acari: Ascidae)

OConrro~; U.M., R. K. Colzuull, and S. ~Vauurn. 1996. The Flower Miles of Trinidad 111: The Genus Khinoseius (Aca,i:Ascidae). Misc. Publ. M,u.s. Zool. Univ. f\/lichigan, 184:l-32, 77&. Eight species oPniites of the genus occur in flowers and are phoretic in the nares of hummingbirds in Trinidad. Previously named species, R. triniralls, R. bisacculatus, K. phoruticus, R. phaelhvrnis and I t unijorrnis are redrscribed and males described or correctly associated lor the first time. Two new species, I?. ,Ji'delis and I?. klef~ticos are also described. Host plants and hummingbird carriers are givcn for all Trinidadian species except R vunmwknsis, which was not collected dllring our survey. A kry to all Trinidadian species is given. Kcy words: bananaquit, Costus, kl(4ic.o.nin, h~uinmingbirds, Pitcairnia, Psych,otrin.