Reliability and efficiency for market parties in power systems

In this paper we present control strategies for solving the problems of risk-averse bidding on the electricity markets, focusing on the Day-Ahead and Ancillary Services market, and of optimal real-time power dispatch from the point of view of a market participant, or Balance Responsible Party (BRP). For what concerns the bidding problem, the proposed algorithms are based on two-stage stochastic programming and are aimed at finding the optimal allocation of production between the day-ahead exchange market and the ancillary services market. For the real-time power dispatch problem, we devised a two-level hierarchical control strategy, where the upper-level computes economically optimal power set-points for the generators, and the lower level tracks them while considering constraints and dynamical models of the plant. Simulation results based on realistic data modeling the Dutch transmission network are shown to evaluate the effectiveness of the approach.