궤도설계용 상부 흙노반 재료의 기초물성과 변형계수 상관성 분석
The soils used as trackbed in Korea are classified based on USCS using maximum particle diameter, P 200 , P₄, C u , C c . Degree of compaction of the soils is evaluated by maximum dry density and E v2 . However, since the most important factor that is critical to stability and deformation of the compacted soils is stiffness, it is required to find out a relation between modulus and soil properties of trackbed soil. To construct a better relationship, a lot of basic soil test data is collected as a database including GSD, maximum dry unit weight, OMC, P 200 , P₄, C u , C c etc. and mechanical properties such as deformation modulus (E v2 , E vd ) obtained from ten railway construction sites in Korea. A regression analysis is performed again using SPSS (IBM, 2010) to obtain a finer relationship between the soil properties and deformation modulus. Using the relationship and the obtained various test data, a new soil classification system is going to be provided as a guideline for construction and design of trackbed foundation in the future.