World science in the eighties. National performances in publication output and citation impact, 1985-1989 versus 1980-1984 - Part II. life sciences, engineering, and mathematics
The present report is a direct continuation of a long series of publications, in which macro-level scientometric indicators have been published in the form of tables and charts. After the indicators for the periods 1978-801-4 and 1981-85, 5-9 now data from the Scientometric Indicators Dataf'des, 1980-891~ are presented. Indicators for the first and second half of the ten years period were determined separately, and thereby indicators of relative change could also be included. The reader may consult Ref. 10 and the above cited papers for details of the building and use of indicators, as well as for additional literature. Only a short summary of terminology and definitions follows here. Data sources: Science Citation Index (SCI) database of the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI, Philadelphia, PA, USA) was used as main data source for building ISSRU's Scientometric Indicators Datafiles. Science fields: papers were classified into science fields according to the field of the journal in which they were published. Journal field classification was based on the system of Pinski and Narin. 11 The journal classification was updated by the ISSRU and the fields has been regrouped into five major fields: Life sciences: Clinical Medicine, Biomedical Research, Biology, Physics: Physics, Earth & Space Sciences,