Reproductive Characteristics of Big Eye Priacanthus macracanthus in the East China Sea.

A total of 2,863 specimens of big eye Priacanthus macracanthus caught by bull trawl in the East China Sea and landed at Nagasaki Fish Market from May 1995 to February 1998, were examined to ob tain information about their reproductive characteristics. From monthly changes in the gonadosomatic index, the spawning peak was estimated to be in May and June. From the distribution of oocyte di ameters and histological observations of ovaries, the development process of oocytes was concluded to be of the group-synchronous oocyte development type. Maturation size was estimated to occur at 190 mm FL from the relationship between the fork length and the frequency of mature specimens. Batch fecundity was calculated to be about 7•~104 at 190 mm FL and 23•~104 at 250 mm FL from the relation ship between fork length and number of mature eggs.