Introduced by the logician John Venn in 1880, Venn diagrams with n ≤ 3 curves have been the staple of many finite mathematics and other courses. Over the last decade the interest in Venn diagrams for larger val ues of n has intensified (see, for example, Ruskey [8] and the many refe rences given there). In particular, considerable attention has been devote d to symmetric Venn diagrams. A Venn diagram with n curves is said to be symmetric if rotations through 360/n degrees map the family of c urves onto itself, so that the diagram is not changed by the rotation. Thi s concept was introduced by Henderson [7], who provided two examples of non-simple symmetric Venn diagrams; one consists of pentagons, the o ther of quadrangles, but both can be modified to consist of triangles. A s imple symmetric Venn diagram consisting of five ellipses was given in [5]. As noted by Henderson, symmetric Venn diagrams with n curves canno t exist for values of n that are composite. Hence n = 7 is the next valu e for which a symmetric Venn diagram might exist. Henderson stated in [ 7] that such a diagram has been found; however, at later inquiry he could not locate it, and it was conjectured in [5] that such diagrams do not exis t.
Neil J. A. Sloane,et al.
The encyclopedia of integer sequences
Branko Grünbaum,et al.
Venn Diagrams and Independent Families of Sets.
David W. Henderson,et al.
Venn Diagrams for More than Four Classes
John Riordan,et al.
Introduction to Combinatorial Analysis
A. W. F. Edwards,et al.
Seven-Set Venn Diagrams with Rotational and Polar Symmetry
Combinatorics, Probability and Computing.
E. Gilbert,et al.
Symmetry types of periodic sequences
John Riordan,et al.
Introduction to Combinatorial Analysis
Frank Ruskey,et al.
Convex drawings of intersecting families of simple closed curves