Future Organizational Design. The Scope for the IT-based Enterprise
second statement. incidentally, again cluster neatly according 10 the ndfarc regime liypothcsis.) Having said this. at the ‘programmatic’ level tlie book lias much to offer. Tocqueville rind t27eber. to name just two, have withstood tlie test of tinic precisely because they offered original aiid counterintuitive theories of iniportant plicnoiiiciia bnscd iiot on irrational motives or macro-structural vnrinbles or herIiI/Is~)iikeII[i(’ I . ( a l l e k t i i ~ ~ ~ ~ i ! ~ r ~ f ~ (n.hich \2’eber despised). but on tlie esplicatioii and reconstruction of why individuals ciidorsc particular beliefs in any given coiitest. It is therefore easy to side with Boudon [\.lien he makes the general mctliodological case for scientific explanations that are filial and that open black boses, in the sense of showing how the causes of an action reside in the reasons the actor has for adopting it. \2’rittcn by an outstanding theorist in ctiaracteristically nssertiw fashion. The Origin of 17rrhrcs is likely to provoke heated debate across a number of social scicncc subfields.