Wearable Internet: Powering Personal Devices with the Internet of Things Capabilities

Summary form only given. The proposed extension of the Internet of Things to Wearable Computing is making feasible thedevelopment of a new generation of Wearable devices connected to Internet. It is what I havedenominated "Wearable Internet".The Wearable Internet is the powering of personal devices with the Internet of Things capabilities. Thisextension can be found in the new generation of wearable sensors such as electrocardiograms, cadenceand speed sensors, activity monitors such as HOP Extended from HOP Ubiquitous (www.hopu.eu), etc.These sensors enabled with Internet are able to detect events and anomalies for daily activities, as theaccelerometers in a car are able to detect a crash. Therefore, the connectivity to Internet and CloudComputing platforms are providing a great potential of innovative solutions, where the sensors can gobeyond their sense capabilities to enable a data-enabled analysis that can reach actuation and optimizationin a wide-range of use-cases and scenarios.In details, this keynote presents the key evolutions of technologies for wireless communications such asBluetooth Low Energy (Bluetooth Smart) to be enabled with Internet connectivity (IPv6) throughprotocols such as 6LoWPAN and GLoWBAL IPv6.GLoWBAL IPv6 protocol is presented in details, demonstrating the performance of IPv6 and CoAPintegration over Bluetooth Smart, with the embedded stack and optimized protocol for constraineddevices that we have developed during the last years.This keynote is also presenting the advantages of the extension of wearable devices with Internetcapabilities for a wide range of use-cases covering from experiences in solutions for marketing inevents/exhibitions, entertainment in shopping centres, tourism in Smart cities developed, and emergenciesin Smart Countries.