Instructional Expertise for Phrase Singing and its Application for a Chorus Learning Support System

The purpose of this study is to explore an intelligent learning environment that supports individual learning of singers of a chorus. In previous research, we developed a learning environment to evaluate the adequacy of the pitch and the validity of the volume for each singing tone. In this environment, the acoustic features of a singing voice (pitch and volume) were evaluated based on the expertise of a choral leader in real-time. Moreover, after a learner sang a song with this system, feedback information was provided as instructional guidance. This information was generated using some special instructional words of the choral leader. Now, we add a new evaluation function to the system. It evaluates only part of the song. This function provides a voice assessment and a teaching guide for the learner's singing. In this paper, we consider this new function. We discuss the expertise of the leaders for this new function and overview the effects of this evaluation function for phrase singing.