도시철도차량 알루미늄 차체의 동적하중 시험에 의한 피로 강도 평가

Aluminum carbody for rolling stocks is light and perfectly recyled, but includes severe defects which are very dangerous to fatigue strength. Structural integrity assessment for the carbody by static losd test has been performed up to date. In this study, to evaluate fatigue strengthh the aluminum carbody of unban transit unit, a testing mathod simulate loading condition was proposed and the fatigue sttength of the carbody was evaluated. The dynamic load test results showed that the alternating stress ranges were diffenrent from the estimstrd rangrs based the static test results, Excessive stress ranges at the center are thought come from the flexible motion of the carbody. published fatigue test date for aluminum componrnts, but variation of alternating acceleration along the lenhth due to flexibility of carbody yielded unexpected results. Because fating stebgth based on the static test resu;ts may be overestimated the center, modification of testing method necessary.